I really like the colors in this one.They seem to transition well into each other - very subtle. They kind of lighten up an otherwise more sinister looking place!
Everyone has a passion, mine is photography. My day job as a house painter doesn't come close to being as rewarding or as much fun as when I have my camera in my hands. I'm a serious amateur working my way up to full time professional, selling sports shots, portraits and weddings. I have a Canon EOS 30D DSLR and regularly use 3 lens, 18-55mm Canon, 55-200 Promaster, and the sweetest of all is my 200-500mm TAMRON. 2 years ago I discovered HDRImaging and PhotomatixPro. It didn't take long before that turned into another of my obsessions. 2 long years and I still haven't trained the dog to sit still for more than 1 exposure.
I really like the colors in this one.They seem to transition well into each other - very subtle. They kind of lighten up an otherwise more sinister looking place!